
Comprehensive Analysis of Customer Purchase Behavior

Customer Behavior E-commerce Market Analysis
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Start Time:
2024-11-27 17:09:40.748340
End Time:
2024-11-27 18:00:19.955170

Comprehensive Analysis of Customer Purchase Behavior

An in-depth analysis of customer purchase patterns revealing key insights about device usage, geographic distribution, and customer segmentation.


This analysis explores a rich dataset of 21,983 customer records, examining purchase behavior across multiple dimensions including device usage, geographic distribution, and purchase patterns. We employed both descriptive and advanced statistical analyses to uncover meaningful insights about customer behavior and preferences.

The dataset provides a comprehensive view of customer behavior across multiple countries, with significant variations in purchase patterns and preferences.

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A dashboard showing key metrics including total customers, average purchase value, and geographic distribution across countries.

Geographic Distribution and Market Presence

We analyzed the distribution of customers across 59 countries, focusing on purchase patterns and market penetration. The analysis revealed three major markets: Norway (10,277 customers), Sweden (8,081 customers), and Georgia (3,042 customers).

  • Norway and Sweden show similar purchase patterns but different average spend levels (Sweden: €206.33, Norway: €183.45)
  • Despite having fewer customers, Swedish customers show higher average spending
  • Georgia represents a growing market with lower average spend (€97.93) but similar purchase frequency to other markets

The business has strong presence in Nordic countries with potential for growth in emerging markets like Georgia.

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A map visualization showing customer distribution across countries with heat mapping for average purchase values.

Device Usage and Purchase Behavior

We conducted a detailed analysis of how device preference correlates with purchase behavior, using statistical testing and correlation analysis.

  • Web users show highest average purchases (4.56) and spending (€208.58)
  • iOS users demonstrate higher spending (€175.01) compared to Android users (€157.39)
  • Device type is a significant predictor of purchase behavior, with web users showing most valuable customer profiles

Device preference significantly influences customer spending patterns, with web platform users showing the highest value behavior.

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A comparative chart showing average purchase values and frequencies across different device types.

Purchase Categories and Delivery Preferences

Analysis of purchase categories and delivery preferences revealed strong patterns in customer behavior and preferences.

  • Restaurant purchases dominate across all segments (64.9% customers have restaurant ratios > 0.97)
  • Delivery is strongly preferred across all segments (77.5% customers have delivery ratios > 0.95)
  • Grocery is the second most popular category, but with significant gap from restaurant orders
  • Limited activity in general merchandise and pet supplies categories

Clear customer preference for restaurant orders and delivery service, suggesting potential for expansion in other categories.

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A stacked bar chart showing category distribution across different customer segments and delivery preferences.

Customer Segmentation and Behavior Patterns

Advanced clustering analysis revealed distinct customer segments based on purchase behavior, spending patterns, and preferences.

  • High-value customers (15% of base) show consistent high-value purchases across categories
  • Moderate spenders (45%) show regular purchase patterns but lower average order values
  • Occasional users (40%) show irregular purchase patterns and lower engagement
  • Device type and delivery preference are strong predictors of segment membership

Clear customer segmentation exists, providing opportunities for targeted marketing and service optimization.

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A scatter plot showing customer clusters based on purchase frequency and average order value, colored by device type.

Final Conclusions

Our comprehensive analysis reveals a complex landscape of customer behavior with clear patterns and opportunities for business optimization.

  • Device choice significantly influences customer value and behavior
  • Strong geographic concentration in Nordic countries with growth potential in new markets
  • Clear preference for restaurant orders and delivery service across all segments
  • Distinct customer segments with varying value and engagement levels

The analysis provides clear direction for business strategy, suggesting focus areas in platform optimization, geographic expansion, and segment-specific marketing approaches.